
RPG rants and where to find them

Ginger Stampley from the 20′ by 20′ Room blog points to a thread on Gaming Theory Blogs That You Should Bookmark. Skipping two links down from that, I found a somewhat diffuse but interesting post which tries to describe some of the problems of gaming. It starts with a strong bit about why “most game sessions suck”, wanders off into some d20 rant, and comes back into talking about RPGs not teaching the skills you need to roleplay. Or something. This is of a vibe with other discussions about RPGs I’ve seen lately, rallying around Ryan Dancey’s bon mot that RPGs are “20 minutes of fun packed into 4 hours”.

If theory sounds confusing, Here’s a fine explanation from GameSpy called Dungeons & Dragons Made Simple, via Uncle Bear. In reaction to the book D&D for dummies, this is D&D for morons.

Oddities Resources

Worse mistake in Human history

Jared Diamond on The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race (something like that deserves to be in All Caps, right?)
[ link via Kottke ]


Swedish Parents

Daniel Glazman’s observes while visiting Sweden:

you may notice a lot, really a lot of people between 35 and 40 years old with no children. It’s not what you think it is for many of them. They became parents around 15 years ago… They children are now teen-agers, on their own, and the parents are enjoying night life in the swedish capital. When I was there in 1990-1991, it was so common to see a girl 19 years old with a baby that it was shocking for people coming from southern europe.

Resources Roleplaying

The Conspiracy Archive

The Conspiracy Archive has oodles of conspiracy articles, from Barry Chamish’s “Reports from Fascist Israel” to stuff on the Shaver Mysteries. Need to read this for a bit next time I bring out my loonier NPCs.