Blather Roleplaying Software and Programming

Four things

Dave Winer said something about the web being indistinguishable from Journalism. Certainly it’s been looking to me for the longest time as a sort of infinite magazine rack, and I see that just like those endless inner pages of the lifestyle section of the daily papers, the Internet – and the blogging bit in particular – shows a great fondness for lists.

Like, here’s a list of top ten bits of programming advice to NOT follow, and here’s a big list of over 300 freeware utilities, organized by the problems they solve.
A list that would be right at home in the lifestyle section is Five things likely to make you happier in the short term, which I found to be very true and even cheering. Get Out of Your GMing Comfort Zone, which I ran across on the same day, really felt like a continuation of that – better living advices for GMs. Or maybe this is just spending too much time with Israel, for whom every advice on improving your lifestyle is really about improving your GMing.

Of course, while taking a walk (like I did on Saturday or writing a review (like I did on Monday) is indeed a great way to feel better in the short term, it wears off.