
The Spiders of Greenland

An example of responsible science reporting at work:

National Geographic: Spiders Getting Bigger — Global Warming to Blame?

The Register: 2060: Humvee-sized, bulletproof meat-eating spiders attack

[again, via Steve Jackson Games’ blog]


Walk this way

Kim Graham

Kim Graham’s Gallery: Digitigrade Leg Extensions.

[via Steve Jackson Games daily illuminator blog]


American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse

An article in Wired, American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse, describes the Georgia Guidestones, a striking granite monument built by a secretive group, built as an astronomic compass/calendar / clock  and inscribed with a New-Age-ish message to the ages in 12 languages (8 modern: Swahili, Hindi, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, English, Hebrew and Arabic; 4 dead: Sanskrit, Classical Greek, Babylonian Cuniform and Egyptian Hieroglyphics). The front-man for the cabal that built this thing used the pseudonym R.C Christian, which “may be a tribute to the legendary 14th-century founder of Rosicrucianism, Christian Rosenkreuz” (per Wikipedia).

The actual text on the granite slabs is not very impressive, but one can only speculate what hidden messages might be encoded in its stilted prose…

Or perhaps, like has been said of the original Rosicrucian conspiracy, the actual secret is in the the act of being mysterious itself, the clandestine  funding, the exotic inscriptions, the very flamboyant behaviour of erecting a cryptic monument from the world’s finest granite, aren’t distractions obscuring a hidden agenda: they fulfill the hidden agenda, simply by making the world a more mysterious place.

Comics Oddities

Super Powers

Ran across this blog which has occasional entires where the blogger systematically tests if he has various Super Powers:

22nd of August, Reading Minds: Today I tried to read minds, _numerous_ times. I had no success at all…

26th of August, Seeing through Walls: Today I tried to see through walls. J-Box stood on the other side of an eight-inch cinder block wall and made hand signals and I tried to see what the signals were…

28th of September: Walking Through Walls: I tried walking through walls and had no luck.

1st of October, Controlling or Creating Wind: Today I tried to create or control wind. No luck at all actually.

2nd of October, Transforming into a Cat: Today I tried to morph into a cat. No luck! I think I need one of those cubes that they had in the Animorphs…


Insane Japanese Awesomeness

Stop motion with wolf and pig.