
From his RPG.NET review of

From his RPG.NET review of classic Traveller, I got to Phil (GURPS: Atomic Horror, Zenobia) Elliot’s home page, and from there to this Guide to Elizabethian Life. I’ve seen that before, but it’s good to have a link.


Whispering Vault links: a review

Whispering Vault links: a review and another one (at serendipity’s circle), which also covers two supplements. And a good site from a guy called Mike.

Resources Roleplaying

Who were the Benandanti, and

Who were the Benandanti, and how would you know if you are one of them?
And how does Arlecchino fit into all this?


Nice roleplaying stuff on the

Nice roleplaying stuff on the Blackgate Publishing site, including a generic RPG called Jazz that is influenced by Fuzion, Storyteller & Champions/HERO.

Also on that site is a fancy fan page for a famous (well, familiar) movie extra, The Golden Horde: The Al Leong Fan Club.


Some RPG Links now (as

Some RPG Links now (as if I blog anything else…):
Kenneth Hite’s top ten list of in-print GURPS source books, from October 1997, worth comparing to S. John Ross’ Best Of GURPS books list.

Also digging through the corpse of Mania magazine, I found this 1997 interview with Steve Jackson (on GURPS, obviously – pretty light reading…), and an article by Steve Jackson presenting GURPS.

All these finds were spawned by an thread asking people’s opinions about GURPS, part of a “Best of the Forums” collection.