Roleplaying short

Critical Miss: the webzine for

Critical Miss: the webzine for dysfunctional roleplayers (last issue online, #6, is from May). Link from Phil Masters‘ webpage.

Roleplaying short

The Fantasy Role-Playing Gamers’s Bible,

The Fantasy Role-Playing Gamers’s Bible, 2nd Edition

Roleplaying short

Skull and Bones looks like

Skull and Bones looks like a cool Pirates & Voodoo roleplaying game, even if it uses D20. Tim Powers should get royalties.


The Eyeball Kid (name borrowed

The Eyeball Kid (name borrowed from an Eddy Campbell comics character, I think) has lots of roleplaying stuff, particularly for Unknown Armies, and fiddly bits for various rules-lite systems, like RISUS. Of particular interest is a fantasy near east(?) setting called Zenobia, by Paul Elliott (who wrote GURPS: Atomic Horror).

Roleplaying short

Force 9, a FUDGE powered

Force 9, a FUDGE powered Starship Troopers style roleplaying game.