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The Couch Potatoes

So we know that there are quite a few organizations that are developing modified humans. We know one of them is SlimGene, recently pivoted into SecuGene and purchased by Slade Industries.

We also know that Slade Industries are scraping the Internets and munging it into an experimental A.I. jokingly referred to as Wintermute, which seems to be taking a great interest in modified humans of all sorts.

Most of these modifieds, if not all, were given a residual “poison” that makes them spontaneously combust unless they are given the top secret sine qua non compound (by their seemingly separate handlers). Unfortunately, this compound gets stored in the liver, which leaves a nice loophole for the cannibalistically inclined.

The Game

Recently, under Wintermute's guidance, five groups (probably all trios) of modifieds & friends that went off the grid are goaded into a deadly game.

couchpotatoes/start.1455442970.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/14 11:42 by dotan