Blather Software and Programming

Snake in a crib

From a recent article titled “Python is eating the world“:

Python may never have existed at all had the popular programming languages in the late ’80s been better, with one of van Rossum’s motivations for creating Python being the incompatibility of the Perl scripting language with the Amoeba distributed computing system he was working on at CWI. “The lucky thing for Python is that Perl was unportable to Amoeba,” he says. “If it had been possible to port Perl to Amoeba, I would have never have thought of starting my own language.”

Pitch for a science fiction short story:
Knowing the perfect inflection point for altering the timeline to prevent Perl’s doom, our heroes enlist Damian Conway, who manages to construct a working Time Machine in five terse lines of Perl 6. Unfortunately(?), his code is not supported on any existing implementation, because of concurrency problems…

Blather Comics Oddities Software and Programming

A new logo for Perl 6 (comic)

Not quite sure if this counts as a real comic or just a crappy collage (comics are hard), but inspired by recent efforts by more talented people, I came up with an idea for a new logo for the Perl6 project, which I think conveys of the spirit and vitality of the Perl community on the 10th anniversary of the Perl6 undertaking. Or not.
click to see the whole thing:
Click for full comic

Watchmen artwork and lettering is by the incomparable Dave Gibbons, Watchmen text is by the divine Alan Moore, Perl 6 Camelia logo copyright 2009 by Larry Wall, Sebastian Riedel‘s user icon and artwork are his. All images remixed without permission for obscure in-jokey satirical purposes.

I’ll just add that there are plenty of useful features introduced for Perl 6 and implemented in Perl 5; a decent logo/mascot/emblem would not be the least of them.